SUNDAY 8:30am | 10:30am

What's going on at Fellowship

New Message Series Beginning September 22nd

Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival

Seeking Him, a 12-week interactive study, is designed to lead you into a revived relationship with your loving heavenly Father. When you encounter God, the revival that comes is not just an emotional touch: it’s a complete transformation, one that happens in your heart and spills out into your home, church, and world. You’ll move step-by-step toward true joy in the Lord. 
Expect to discover...
 • As you seek the Lord with all your heart, He will restore, renew, and revive you.
• God has revived His people throughout history. He can do it again.
• You can reclaim your passion and zeal for the Lord. Begin by Seeking Him!

Weekly Memory Verse

"May God be gracious to us and bless us; may he make his face shine upon us 
so that your way may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations."
Psalm 67:1-2

Worship & Connect Online!

Service Times

Sunday Services
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
Sunday Live-Stream
8:30 AM
Location: 225 North Avenue, Norwalk, IA 50211